Thursday, March 12, 2015


I would love it if Youtubers, who share the gospel, if they would do live prayers having to do with prayer requests, where the watchers can all pray at the same time on the subjects.

I'm not happy with the prosperity teachings, that don't teach the true gospel. I'm happy with motivational speaking on how to conduct ourselves with charity, manners, and wisdom, but those teachings won't get anybody into heaven. Mega churches either need to start preaching the true gospel or else they might as well call themselves motivational speakers rather than churches.


The Soil of Our Spirit, by my husband Jamie:

Our spirits are like the soil in the ground that we use to grow crops with. In order for crops to grow we first have to plant seeds and then we have to water those seeds and hope that they produce good fruit.

Our spirits are like soil because we as Christians have to go around planting seeds inside of people's hearts with the message of God Jesus and then pray that when Jesus waters his seed that it will produce and grow and sprout good fruit inside of people.

A Christian friend of mine said to me earlier that I should just pray for people and not talk about God Jesus to much, but instead just pray.  The problem with that is the same with growing fruit in the ground and if you first don't plant the seed in the ground then nothing is going to grow.  Same is said with the human heart and if you don't plant the seed of God Jesus inside of people then it is not going to produce any good fruit. 
Before I met my wife Kristy my soil in my spirit was not really that good.  The seed of Jesus had been planted inside of me from other people in my past however when Jesus was watering it because Jesus is the living Waters inside of all of us, it was not producing any good usable fruit.  The fruit that was growing was not very big and it wasn't blooming as well as the Lord God Jesus had hoped.

God Jesus was not done with me though and what was required in order for the fruit inside of my spirit to grow big and blossom was some good quality fertilizer.  So God Jesus implanted in me and gave me the best fertilizer on planet Earth which is my wife Kristy.

With God Jesus using my wife Kristy as fertilizer inside of my spirit the seed of God Jesus with his living Waters is now growing bigger and better and more beautiful usable fruit inside of my heart and spirit.

The problem with the world is there's too many Christians who just sit on the message of God Jesus without taking any action and going out and planting the seeds of God Jesus in other people's hearts.

Remember Jesus instructed us when he was here as a human being on Earth to go out and preach his message among all the nations. Mark 16:15 And he said to them, "Go on to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." This verse is just as important today as it was back then when Jesus was walking among his disciples.  

I'm not going to be a Christian who does what my few Christian friends say and just sits on this information about God Jesus when I'm supposed to be going out and planting the seed of God Jesus inside of other people's hearts.  Especially considering that every single human being has a right to know about who their Creator is in order to save their eternal life.  

I hope and pray that any Christians who read this post will do the same as God Jesus instructed us to do because the next seed of God Jesus that you plant could be someone in your life that you are extremely close to and that you love with all your heart and soul!
God Bless!

Thank you, Jamie, very beautiful!

When a Christian says that sin doesn't cause people to go to hell, but they go to hell because they reject God, here's the problem... rejecting God is a sin. The first commandment says, "You shall have no other Gods before me" and Jesus said to love Him and God more than we love ourselves and others.

It doesn't matter what your status is, if you're fame outweighs your walk with God, then you're in trouble. We're all puny humans. We'll never measure up to God's standards, this includes pastors and preachers.

Jesus is the only teacher, not some MAN at the pulpit who turns out to be a false prophet or a LUKEWARM MAN who's leaning on his own understanding, who's interpreting the Bible incorrectly or a MAN who only preaches prosperity. There are no pulpit speakers who have it all completely together. If we did, we'd be God. 

According to John 15, if we are followers and students of Christ, then we are no longer servant to master, we are friends with Jesus. If husbands must treat their wife as Jesus treats the church, then husbands must be of service and must be friends with their wife. And we should as men and women even have the true mind set to give their life for their fellows in Christ.

And since men and women are sinners, authority goes out the door if a husband is not following Jesus. A husband's authority should not be taken advantage of in negative ways. Also, a man has the authority to give his wife authority, just as Jesus has the authority to give both men and women authority over the earth, and free will, which of course has consequences. It boils down to this... do God's will. Earthly marriage was made to glorify God. Our first marriage is to God, earthly spouses come second. 

I don't like the word adult. I like the word grown up, as in growing up in maturing with Jesus, but always remaining to be His child. A dolt equals adultery, adult movies, adult toys. I have never used the word pride; I only use the word respect. 


1 Corinthians 5:11-13

11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister in Christ, but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. 12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”

If the Holy Spirit has me go out in the streets at random or into a friend's home to speak on a down to earth, reverse psychological level, then that is God working through me outside the church building. In this way we use the mirror of judgment on people and even on ourselves as an example in a gentle approach. Whether these people be straight up secular children of the devil or shameful lukewarm children who were kicked out of the church because they were embracing their sins, then one of the ways God will judge them outside the church is through a human being who's filled with the Holy Spirit and or by supernatural occurrences and miracles. 

This is why we need more congregations sharing the gospel outside of the church buildings. Our slothfulness is a sin. This is where need to be creative in our approach. God gifted us with talents. Use your talents to spark people towards the gospel of truth. Don't rely solely upon your pastor when it comes to the things God needs you to accomplish. Get out in the field and do the dirty work. Sow God's seeds of truth.

It's challenging to slowly and carefully share the gospel in the workplace, in your own home, at school, with your friends and relatives and with strangers, which is why you have to be careful and ask God, "Show me how to share the gospel in difficult places with the reverse-psychological, mirror technique." 

In everything you do, do it in love, be gentle with your judgments and before you judge get acquainted with the one you're going to share the gospel with. Believe it or not, we can make the hard truth of the gospel fun and interesting for those of us who are children at heart. 

Jesus said we cannot enter the kingdom unless we become like little children in the sense of a child who loves God their Father, who gives questions to Jesus their teacher, and who learns from the Holy Spirit. A child is an empty cup, an adult is a loaded toilet. Get back to the roots of your innocence by filling up with the joy of God, the laughter of Jesus and the tears of the Holy Spirit.
I cry, do you?

If the Holy Spirit speaks through me to give messages to my husband or vice versa, then it is neither my husband or I who takes credit, we give all glory and credit to God our Father and Jesus our teacher. 

When it comes to working His message through humans, Jesus looks at the heart, mind, soul and spirit, not at the hormones or genitalia. 

My husband was weak in his Christianity until God brought us together. My husband says repeatedly, he would not have become stronger in his faith if it wasn't for me red pilling him and my steadfast fire and reverence for Jesus. Jesus works through the both of us, for His glory, not for our own, self-righteous, egotistical glory. Both men and women are tools of Christ to be used in whatever ways are needed by Christ. However, to make things fair, we have roles to play in the church buildings, with women who may teach children and other women and men to teach all. This does not mean that women are less intelligent than men, but that there's got to be some order and fairness, not chaos. If a man wants to hear a woman and her messages from God, then she should not do it as a pastoral role. Men and women can share their stories in writing or in groups outside the church or inside in a meeting room.

I love my husband. He takes care of me, he's caring, he loves me unconditionally, he's extremely intelligent, he's a creative comedian, and he's all mine. I thank God for my husband. 
Jesus is the head of our household. God hates the flesh, yet we are all servants unto the Lord if we are truly born again.

As the bible says, women are physically weaker than men, yet our hormones have nothing to do with our spiritual strength or brain capacity. The bible does not say that men are smarter than women and the word authority does not mean intelligence, it means protection. 

Love your wife as Jesus loves the church. Jesus gives the church free will at a cost. God knew that Adam would not control Eve during that calamity at the tree of knowledge and that Adam would also sin. This is God's story, not ours. We cannot fool God; we can only fool ourselves. Jesus is the only teacher so learn from Him.

Our heart soul will converge with our hormones, which will direct us to our masculine and feminine attributes, but the brain itself is not the epitome of the masculine and feminine. Our hormones affect our brain, our adrenal glands, and our genitals. If we are to assume there is a male brain and a female brain, then we might as well agree with the pseudo-science of transgenderism. A brain is a brain. Our hormones do not dictate our spirit or intelligence. Our environment dictates our intelligence, which is either God or Satan dictating our spirit, heart and mind; and we all know that everyone born on earth is undeniably subject to attacks by Satan, even after we're saved.

And the video below of me, do not assume that only a woman would come up with such a silly way to speak of the bible, since Pastor Robert Morris was the one who did it first. I'm doing the same comical bit that he did, so blame him and his male brain for such hoot-ah-nannies shan-an-igans.

In the following video, Jesus said this to Troy Black, "We are living in borrowed space". Jesus also said, "Stop being afraid to make a mess and a splash for my kingdom, you are the voice to the culture, these are my rhema words". Jesus also said, "Explode with truth. Now it's time. There's a hesitancy in my people's hearts". 

If I say in any of my blogs that I'm not a Calvinist, I'm not a five-point Calvinist. There is one point that I don't agree with due to scripture, which I explain here.

God is an all-knowing God, so yes, God chose all people in the beginning, but He knew in the beginning who wouldn't choose Him back. He talks about blotting out names in Exodus 32 and Revelation 3, but even then, when He speaks of 'blotting out' in these two passages, the plan is in place, but the action of it has yet to take place. It's like when God said, "Adam and Eve, where are you?" God knew where they were, but He spoke to them in that manner because they were "children" who did something wrong. 

God spoke to Moses in a similar way when He said He will blot out those who reject Him, when in fact He already blotted them out in the beginning, but still had yet to do the real time tangible task of the "depart from Me I never you knew you and the Matthew 25 parable" bits with those who reject Him from that point on, as far as those passages go.

Sadly, many have already died in their own self-righteous deathbeds.
When Jesus says the following to His disciples, in John 15, Jesus is saying that at that moment in time His disciples were still not choosing to believe that He was God. Then when Jesus came back to life, they finally "chose" to believe He is God. 

In John 15:16 Jesus says, 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bare fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.

When Jesus said to His disciples, 'you might go and bear fruit', He was not letting them know ahead of time that they would bear fruit. He appeared to be ambiguous to allow them the state of their free will. Like when He said to Adam and Eve, "where are you?'

When we are in agreement with the Holy Spirit, Jesus cleans and prepares the garden bed of our dirty-sinful heart with the Living Waters. From within us, He circumcises our heart via dibbering the Seed of the Holy Spirit, then shines His Holy Fire Color Spectrum of Light off and on to steadily grow us. 

When Jesus goes quiet, we are really in a time of testing, withstanding the shadow of the valley of death, yet remaining steadfast in our spiritual growth and faith. God is with us, even when we do not see or hear Him.

The question is, "Am I in the Lamb's Book of Life?" Only God knows, but the question is, how does a person know for sure that they are saved? Especially those who think they are but aren't. There are some special cases, which I explain here.

There are special cases where Jesus will pluck people out of hell to bring them back to earth to testify that hell is a fact. Those people's names are in the book of life, despite the fact they experienced hell via death. Their hardcore experience of the truth knocks it out of the park compared to lukewarm prosperity teachers.

Jesus will also answer prayers to born again Christians who pray for their secular loved ones that they be given mercy by God when it comes to death. Those people's names are in the book of life, despite their unbelief. "And so that whatever you ask in My Father's name I will give you." This is how generous and forgiving God is with His faithful sheep, yet it is still God's determination as to whether or not the person you pray for can be salvaged or not, which God knew in the beginning anyway, but either way keep praying. Jesus also showed His mercy in this manner with the criminal on the cross. 

1 Corithians 5:4-5
4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Due to my loving God Jesus more than myself and anybody else, due to my child like manner towards God Jesus, due to Jesus treating me as His friend, and due to Jesus continually showing me pieces of the puzzle, and the more I go along with Him, the more He shows me; it becomes clearer and clearer, in the process, that although He died for my sins as a free gift, faith is dead without works, so my name is most likely in the Book of Life. I did have times of questioning if I was saved or not in the earlier stages of my faith and still do at times because I'm an imperfect human. God yokes me for His Glory, which is difficult at times in this broken world, but necessary for our spiritual growth. With Jesus it can be a tango, it takes two baby.

The last days began when Jesus came to earth, therefore, when God poured His spirit out on EVERYONE during the Last Days, He really did, but this is how it works when it comes to ALL people... The Holy Spirit is like a hospital drip bag for ALL as we walk aimlessly in our zombie filth bags of death. If we come into agreement with His drip, on a full scale and decide to get better, then we eat and drink of God, and if we're really starving, we won't stop eating and drinking of Him.

Jesus will call on us and we can hear Him, for whoever has ears to hear, let them hear. The parable of the seed says it all. I believe that God's moral compass, which is the Holy Spirit, is our default system, which is inside of everybody, God's moral compass. We will either take strong root, be choked out, be yanked out, or not take any root at all. Many people will deny the fact that God is in them, leaning on their subjective morality, denying His objective morality.

Many Christians will say, "Don't follow your heart, it's wicked," yes, it is wicked, but God's moral compass is also working in us before we ever come to Christ. God knows our every wicked move and our every loving move, despite those moves being self-righteous. God knows my life front to back, and all the bad things I've done and still do at times. Even people who aren't in the book of life, it's important for them to love too, because the love and kindness, of those who aren't in the book of life, affects His sheep.

Which came first, the tree or the seed? The tree came first, just as the Seed of Truth lay dormant inside of us, unless we come into agreement with the Seed of Truth and grow out with Him as in the intimate companionship and growmance we have with Jesus. We are His bridegroom you know. Once we are at the age of accountability, our hearts become stone. When we allow Jesus to garden our hearts, from within, with His King AUTHOR sword of truth, He makes His breakthrough from within. My testimony explains how this happened to me.

We are all Gods sheep in the beginning of life, then the devil attacks us with sin at the age of accountability. This is why we have to love Jesus more than ourselves. He is our only strength, as in overcoming the world, without Him we are literally nothing. All people have the chance at accepting eternal life, but we know that many will reject God by their own terrible choice, which is why many are not in the book of life.

Revelation 3:5 KJV
Jesus said, "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels."

Exodus 32:31-33 KJV
And Moses returned unto the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold. Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin—; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written. And the LORD said unto Moses, "Whosoever hath sinned against Me, him will I blot out of my book." 

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that ALL who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

For those of us who humbly and meekly choose God for His glorified purposes and to love Him, we are not boasting. And anybody who is boasting, check yourself in the mirror and look at your spiritual toilet to see if it's full of your own rotten self-righteous poop. If your cup is empty, waiting for Jesus to refill it, you can drink it and ask for more, dear Oliver.

In my testimony, which I've provided in the link further down the page, 24 years before I was born again, the Holy Spirit was already inside of me without me asking Him to be there. I was not baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit, I did not go to church, but the Holy Spirit was in me. Even if a person is growing in the roots of the word, they may never produce fruit, and be thrown in the fire like the fig tree. This is why, in most cases, we have to keep asking Jesus if we are truly saved or not.

Joel Osteen is like the fig tree, bearing no fruit, but knowing the truth, like the servant in Matthew 25 who buries the gospel in the dirt, rather than collecting true converts. Even Joel has the opportunity to get his head out of his own butt where he hopes to grow his own lava tube diamonds. Humans do not know who is in the Book of Life, that's why we share the gospel with ALL COHERENT people.

My brother was a preacher for 10 or more years. He walked away from the faith when his wife divorced him. My brother's heart became hard, causing Him to cut off the growth of the Holy Spirit at the stump. My brother could very well be a prodigal return, especially after what has happened to me. 

This is how forgiving God is. The stump in this picture is growing despite it being cut. It is possible for people to walk away in a horrific event and then return back to God. Remember, only God knows each individual headcase and heart-case. The psychology is amazing!

Who are we to say, for sure, exactly how God deals with each individual case. Only God knows. God can do whatever He pleases, the Bible is our manual, but remember what Jesus said, "These are the scriptures that testify about Me, but you do not come to Me for life?" Sometimes we get answers straight from Jesus Himself, in which He allows us to delve deeper into the roots of His truths. Jesus works way harder than we ever would or could. Don't underestimate Him or His ability to give us deeper knowledge and understanding.

Parable of the Seed of the Spirit of Truth is the default system... When the 5-points of Calvinism says that the Holy Spirit won't enter those who do not choose Him, I have to disagree. The Holy Spirit Seed of Truth is there for us to choose Him or not to choose Him. He lays as a dormant seed within us, waiting for us to agree with His potential, unwavering growth, yet the Holy Spirit can maneuver people with the moral compass who deny that their moral compass comes from God.

My parents are a perfect example of the Holy Spirit maneuvering them for the purpose of my personal case. Is my mom in heaven? I do not know. My dad loves Jesus, but he believes that Jesus reincarnated more than any other person. I'm working on helping my dad to remember parts of the bible with the words of Jesus that absolutely dispute reincarnation and the reality of hell. He agreed that if I can prove my declaration, he would change his perspective.

Jesus does the gardening with the Living Waters and the Color-Light Spectrum of Holy Fire that shines on the Seed of the Holy Spirit.

If we decide to be hotty totty, ash-hat toddlers, who cover our eyes and ears, who tantrum with anger at God, who sadly divorce God, then God won't stop us from leaving Him. We still have that choice, no matter how ignorant it is. God hates divorce, especially from His brides. 

We cannot think it's that easy to stay faithful to God when He gives us free will throughout the entire procession of life on earth. God does not trap us. He only loves us. If we truly love God with steadfast perseverance, then it's like when Oliver says, "I want more please." At least it is for me, "Keep filling my cup Dear God. I need You. I thank You. I love You long time." 

Mentally disabled people, who are innocently infantile or like a toddler, they are in the Book of Life. They cannot comprehend to begin to ask the Holy Spirit into them. Same with children who die and haven't yet reached the age of accountability. This is part of the default system. 

The Holy Spirit is like the wind, moving to the music and changing the lyrics to glorify God.

Remember Jesus said the only One that is good is God, not even the Holy Spirit is good, only because the Holy Spirit must go into ALL sinful humans and lay dormant in each of us until we either come into some sort of agreement with His seed of Truth or deny Him to the bitter end. After resurrecting, Jesus appeared to Mary as a gardener for a purpose.

The Holy Spirit is our default, so when I was born again, I asked Jesus to come into me, even though He was already inside of me, kind of like a husband who respectfully asks his wife, 'may I make love to you' or when he only goes as far as she lets him go. I asked Jesus, though He was already in me, to come into me, and He did. Although He showed me that I was born again at that point, I did not understand what He was showing me at that time. I understand now. Everybody, who is born again, has their own unique testimony. You can read about my testimony at this link. 

Are you Christians willing to let Satan take away God's precious geometry? Satan defiles people, but that doesn't mean that Satan created people. 

If you don't believe in NDE's, then you're disregarding several accounts of NDE's in the bible, especially Lazarus.

Prophecy is real...

I'm a salty sailor, just like every other person on this planet, only difference is I've realized that Jesus is the Captain of Creation. My ship-shape-body vessel is not my own. We have two choices, either allow the devil to maneuver our helm that leads to eternal torment and damnation by indulging in the slavery of sin and self-righteous moralism or we be saved through grace by the blood of the Lamb and have Him maneuver our helm toward the eternal life of love and joy, by humbly and humiliatingly being born again with the sanctification processes of repentance, forgiveness and the necessary, willful pruning from Jesus, which can be hard and abrasive at times. 

Matthew 6:22-23 KJV The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.

Jesus said, "Either thine eye be full of darkness or thine single eye be full of light." And for the blind people who can't use the symmetry of the eyes on the face, thine single eye, which God created, is the pineal gland that even the blind can use as a tool for communicating with God telepathically. Blind people are not full of light through the physical eye(s); however, they can be full of the light of God's knowledge via the pineal gland, even though they do not dream in pictures, that gland is our telepathic communication device with the Holy Spirit. This is how we dream dreams and see visions, via the pineal gland as well.

Christians, do yourself a favor and quit calling the third eye, which is thine single eye, nothing but a demonic tool. God designed the pineal gland for us to communicate with him telepathically and also for us to dream during sleep and to see supernatural visions for those of us who are not physically blind. Jesus has personally given me visions and dreams. 

Jesus looks into our heart, soul, mind, and spirit. He doesn't look into our genitals or hormones; so when the bible says old men will dream dreams and young men will have visions, don't be so kooky-cutter-cocky to think that females won't do the same. I am proof of visions and dreams. 

Satan did not create the pineal gland. However, the pineal gland and even the ears can audibly hear Satan, so we have two choices, either the beacon blood of the light of the Lamb or Satan's black pillar of forever darkness. God gave us free will, so which avenue do you choose? 

Might as well say, "Don't use your genitals in marriage, because it's a pathway to the possibility of sexual immorality."

Might as well say, "Don't use your physical body or heart, or brain for anything because it will assuredly sin."

Christians say, "Don't use your pineal gland because it's a pathway to the devil," yet God made the third eye for a reason.

Every single body part is capable of sin.

Do not open your God given third eye to the occult practices like talking to the dead or even to God's serving angels, only talk to the Trinity; just as do not open your genitals to non-marital, immoral and unnatural sexuality. This should make sense to the confused Christian.

The video below is a bible study and also a historical study on the pineal gland, a gland that God designed for communication with Him. Satan did not design the pineal gland, but he heavily defiles the use of the pineal gland. Satan did not create geometry, or owls, or genitalia, or goats, or snakes, or cattle. Satan defiles God's creations, especially the human body and psyche.

Just because the Egyptians cut open the brain and found the pineal gland in the middle, does not mean that the Egyptians came up with the idea of the pineal gland. Yes, they drew pictographs of it, and they knew it's function, yet they were misguided in their use of their pineal gland by believing the deception of Satan and his demons, hence worshiping idols and many, false gods. God tells us to NOT seek after familiar spirits of demons pretending to be dead loved ones or be drawn into the occult practices.

Leviticus 19:31

Hedonists and self-righteous moralists will both go to hell if they refuse to do God's will for God, rather they do works, whether good or bad, for themselves or they feel they need to earn their way to God, rather than by grace, which Christ died for. Every human on the planet needs a lesson in JOB. I encourage you all to watch this video.

As far as prosperity gospel goes, I pray these pastors get to the meat and potatoes, rather than skipping over the important stuffing. Granted they're great for getting peoples feet into the door of the Lord; then if people are truly blessed with a personal relationship with Jesus, that really packs the punch in the heart of stone, then that's what matters most. The narrow path is hard to find, especially in a hell fire church where the kids turn from it, disappointing their family. God knows how to call His prodigals back.

For the youth, who run from their hell fire church, they might never return, unless they have a go with Ray Comfort. And for those who never went to church, I hope they find Ray Comfort.

And if anybody reading this has suffered from MK Ultra, I pray and hope that you come to Jesus in order to break your hypnotic state. 


HOW TO AVOID MASS MIND CONTROL (22 FEB '22) This post was written a few years back, but contains an important message. Now bear in mind that mind control also goes on in Christian churches, so this post calls us back to the original teachings of Christ & the Word of God, not to today's compromised denominations. I am so glad that Moses's mother didn't mindlessly obey the govt. I call attention to Daniel who risk his life in His refusal to eat the king's food. Christ himself did not mindlessly obey the govt. The pharisees had the role of our supreme court, but Christ often ignored them.
FEAR, IGNORANCE & DISTRUST OF GOD: the seedbed of mass mind control. “They that put their trust in Him [God] shall understand the truth.” (1) God’s recorded words are described as a “shield” of protection to those who trust Him. (2) This message is about mass mind control, and how the teachings of Christ (and the Scriptures he valued) were provided to us to protect us from mind control.
“BE WISE AS SERPENTS”; I took this command of Christ as the title to my 1991 book exposing the World’s systems of control. In dozens of public talks back then, I broke down how deception was a standard feature of the way the World and the occult operated. Later, I began to introduce how deception & lies were both a survival skill of the world as well as a programming tool for trauma-based mind control. Sun Tzu, considered by many Worldly strategists as brilliant, wrote, “All warfare is based on deception.” Satan & his World Order are at war with humanity & our Creator…so one should expect deception to be all around us. It is.
MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS=A HIERARCHY OF VULNERABILITIES. It is easy to fear the loss of what we think we need. The World system has centuries of refined skill in threatening our hierarchy of needs to manipulate mankind. Now you will begin to understand why Christ’s apostle Paul wrote, “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer & supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”(3) Christ repeatedly made “strange” commands calling on people to ignore their hierarchy of needs and focus on trusting their heavenly Father.
DON’T FEAR SOCIAL ISOLATION, DON’T FEAR DEATH, DON’T FEAR TROUBLES: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, & mother, & wife, & children, & brethren, & sisters, yes and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”(4) This strange teaching of Christ is to prevent the World from mind controlling us. He taught similar things on other occasions: “Take therefore no thought for the morrow…”(5) “Take no thought for your life…”(6) On the flip side, he warns about people’s fears during end time crises bringing them death. (7) And he warned about the fearful employee who prompted his boss to say, “Thou wicked…and lazy servant…”(😎
FEAR CREATES CRACKS IN OUR MENTAL & SPIRITUAL ARMOR. For instance, fear of a bad reputation sets one up for blackmail. And fear of death creates cowardice & compliance. Fear of acceptance and fear of not being loved creates the herd mentality to follow the clueless & manipulated majority. In studying the World & their mind control techniques, I can categorically warn you that the manipulators—those who want to control your mind—know precisely how to use fear!! It was extremely astute for Christ to warn that the cares of the world would choke one spiritually and make one unfruitful.(9) Had I not been willing to ignore Maslow’s entire hierarchy of needs, and trust God, I would never have been able to challenge the Illuminati’s control over trauma-based mind control victims. They challenged and repeatedly threatened every one of my basic needs…and heavenly Father somehow preserved me…thereby proving the words of Christ.
WORLDLY VIEWPT. The World does not need to go to the Bible to become skilled in manipulation. Buddhism & Shintoism both teach about how fearing our needs, leads to being controlled. Hinduism associates various thinking with levels of chakras, and the World’s manipulators will work at reducing you from a high to a lower level chakra, for instance, taking your love and turning it into jealousy. If you take a college counseling course you will be taught rapport mirroring, which along with skillful flattery, good eye contact, confidence & coming across vulnerable but strong will win a person’s acceptance. Israel was warned, “Be on guard toward your friends.”(10) I have had the opportunity to meet some of the World controllers & trauma-based mind control handlers, and those encounters taught me how some of these people can act like your favorite uncle…they have social skills. On recent radio shows, I noted how the hosts would feign disbelief in their questions to stimulate more talk from the guest…this is an example of rather benign manipulation.
TRUTH WINS. At times, the World’s deceptions seem so powerful. So much is shrouded in secrecy and false fronts. For instance, some of us know how there is no end to money for CIA black budget ops, yet the DCI of the CIA in 1998 tells us, that due to “budgetary limitation” the CIA will indefinitely quit declassifying records it is supposed to give the public. So Christ told us not to fear this, that truth will prevail in the end. “Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.”(11)
Now you have the bigger picture. Some of the extreme teachings of Christ—like hating your mother to be his disciple---were said in the context of establishing your freedom from mind control. If we look at the full range of Christ’s teachings, then we see in this particular instance that he also teaches that we should love and honor our mother. What he is really saying is that we must trust our heavenly Father, and not focus on fearing that our hierarchy of needs will not be met. He understood firsthand how Satan & Satan’s hierarchy study & seek to take advantage of our fears.
(1) Wisdom of Sol. 3:9, cf. 2 TIM 3:16 (2) PRV 30:5 (3) PHIL 4:6 (4) LK 14:26-27, cf. MT 10:37-38, MK 19:29 (5) MT 6:34a (6) MT 6:25 (7) MT 24 (😎 MT 25:26 (9) MT 13:22 (10) Wisdom of Solomon (11) MT 10:26

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